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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us
Kainth Landscape understands the value of your privacy. We work hard to keep all of your personal information safe and secure. To achieve this goal, we have outlined our privacy policy for the collection and use of personal information on our website below.


Data provided

There are two types of data collected: personal data and non-personal data. If you give us your permission, we may use the personal information you provide for a variety of purposes. Here are some examples of possible applications:

1. To help us provide better customer service.

2. To assist in the fulfilment of information requests.

3. Adapt our online services to your demands.

4. Determine the efficacy of our marketing and online efforts.


We may choose to collect and summarise customer information in an anonymous format for the sole purpose of analytical analysis from time to time. Name, address, phone number, and email address are examples of what is considered personal information. You have the option of not providing us with any personal or private information as a user. However, we may be unable to provide you with the product, service, or information you seek. Any information that does not identify you as an individual, such as your area code or postal code, is considered non-personal information.



When we state the reason and purpose for collecting your personal information, your consent is assumed if you provide it.


Now and again, we might request that you give us your express agreement to involve your own and private data for us to educate you concerning items or administrations that we figure you might be keen on. In such cases, you will forever get the opportunity to decide to quit and quit involving your data for such reason.


Automatic data collection

It is a normal practice for websites to consequently gather some non-individual data in regards to the clients. This data doesn’t recognize you and any of your private data. Instances of a portion of the non-individual data that we might gather incorporate IP address, the date and time you visited our webpage, the Internet address of the connection that you tapped on to our site, the working framework, the pages of our site that you visited and the length, the pages downloaded and pictures seen and so on.



Our sites might utilize treats, this is a typical practice by which a tiny measure of data is introduced on the client’s PC to permit the site to perceive the client’s future visits. You might decide to decay to acknowledge our treats, in any case, this may adversely influence your client experience and your capacity to access and utilize a few elements of the site.


Third Party

Kainth Landscape doesn’t sell or impart your data to third parties.


Occasionally, we might need to reveal a portion of your data with other specialist organizations to convey the help that you need. With an end goal to forestall misrepresentation and data fraud, we might check your data. For example, your location, Mastercard data, and some other individual data that is considered significant.


You have the option to decline to impart your data to these outside third parties, notwithstanding, we might not have the option to handle your exchange subsequently.


Policy Change

Kainth landscape saves the right to change or adjust the security strategy to oblige changes required by the market or our services.